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In each of the regions below, we have dedicated people who are ready to answer your questions

and assist you in any way.

Click on each of their names to email them directly.

North West

President:  Bryan Neet


Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, S. Dakota, N. Dakota



President: Gary Giraudo


California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona


Mid West



Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas



President: Julie Keller


Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Wisconsin,Iowa


South East

President:  Corinna Garmon


N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi


North East



Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Mass., Conn. N.Y., N.J., Penn. Delaware, Maryland, W. Virginia, Virginia, Rhode Island


President:  Jolayne Moryski



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