Health Testing Breeders
The SACCI sees breeders' health testing as a high priority. We recognize that sound, healthy puppies come from sound, healthy parents. While perfect health cannot be guaranteed, reputable breeders test breeding prospects for hereditary problems in an attempt to minimize them as much as possible. This is expensive, but necessary to assure strength in future generations.
Below you can find a list of breeders who test their dogs before breeding. The SACCI prodives this list as a courtesy to its members and potential buyers and it is based on the good faith we have in the reporting breeders. The SACCI or its officers do not recommend, guarantee, endorse or rate breeders, their kennels or their Corsos, and the SACCI does not examine any individual Corso. Buyers beware in all instances and you should always check with the breeder about the health test of the parents of the litter.
The SACCI and its officers, assume no responsibility for the quality, health, or temperament of any dog, nor the warranty, guarantee, integrity, honesty or reliability, either expressed or implied, by any person or kennel whose name appears on this list. Any user of this information assumes all risk and liability for the use of the information contained herein. The SACCI reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any listing without notice of any Breeder that operates using practices which are in violation of the SACCI code of ethics.
If you are a breeder and wish to add your name to this list, please contact us!
United States
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Companion
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: PennHip, OFA Cardiac
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament
Puppies: Companions, Conformation,Working
Regestration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips, PennHip/ OFA, OFA Cardiac, OFA Elbows,
OFA Thyroid, CERF.
Titles: Working (Proven IPO) Conformation, Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: Penn Hip, OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac.
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Agility, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: OFA Hip, OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac.
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament, Agility
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips Pennhip, OFA Elbows
Titles: Conformation, temperament (working toward working titles)
Puppies: Conformation, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: OFA Hip, OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac, OFA patellas.
Titles: Conformation, Temperament,
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Therapy, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Penn Hip/OFA, OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac, OFA Eyes, Thyroid Panel
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament, Therapy, Agility, Weight pull, Nose work, Lure coursing
New Mexico
Puppies: Conformation, Working & Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips OFA/PennHip/HD
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: Penn Hip, OFA Elbows, OFA Patella, OFA Cardiac.
Titles: Conformation, Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: Penn Hip, OFA Elbows, OFA Patella, OFA Thyroid, OFA Cardiac.
Titles: Conformation, Working Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Companions
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Hips: Penn Hip/OFA, OFA Elbows,
OFA Patella, OFA Cardiac, CERF
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament
Puppies: Conformation, Working, Companions
Registration: AKC, UKC
Health Testing: Penn Hip/OFA, OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac, OFA Eyes, Bloodwork Panel
Titles: Conformation, Working, Temperament, Weight pull, Lure coursing
Alberta, Canada
Puppies: conformation, working, companion
Registration: CKC, AKC
Health Testing: OFA Hips & Elbows
Titles: conformation, temperament